Sunday 11 February 2018

Athletes - An Introduction to Brain Supplements

The exciting and growing field of brain supplements has a number of benefits from improving brain health, to enhancing mental and athletic performance. Nootropics, or brain supplements if you prefer, have been shown to enhance cognition by increasing one’s ability to understand, and use knowledge, while stimulating creativity and producing energy necessary for intense activities.
Brain And Focus Supplements
From a mental health point of view, studies have shown that brain supplements can aid in with mood while reducing anxiety, and stress levels. Athletes have also seen improvements in focus, concentration, clarity, and reducing fatigue. These brain supplements may be the key to unlocking human brain potential.

Who Should Take Brain Supplements?

The simple answer to this is that everyone can benefit from brain supplements, in one way or another.
Choline (a type of brain supplement) is great for all athletes. Choline cannot only reduce fatigue levels and improve athletic performance, but it can also help brain function (R).
Can brain supplements affect performance or increase the power of the mind on a daily basis? The short answer to this is that any mental or physical activity can only benefit from the consumption of brain supplements. For example, if you are studying for an exam or want to better focus at work without reducing the level of your performance, brain supplements can help you remain “in the zone” for longer.
People call brain and focus supplements smart drugs and this promising field can aid in improving your creative and cognitive abilities.

Athletes – Improving Brain and Physical Performance

Being around highly skilled professionals like doctors, music artists, surgeons, or athletes, is that they are all incredibly physically skilled. As you would expect, their skill sets differ depending on what they do but their physical skills are always remarkable to watch.
This transition from a beginner to a novice, and ultimately to an expert, has to do with repeating the technique until your mind and muscles have embedded it. In essence, there is a neuromuscular connection that gets trained, strengthened, and improved by practicing a task correctly and repeatedly.
Now, the only challenge here would be to effectively train that skill and become an expert. Professionals believe there is a specific number of reps necessary to become an expert in a particular skill or activity. As with almost everything in life, it doesn’t happen overnight, and that number will most likely take years to accomplish. The physical aspect of the training is easy though. Everyone knows that. It’s the mental side of things that will make or break someone. Can you remain focused on the task at hand whatever the circumstances? Are you determined to do 5,000 or 10,000 reps to master the skill? That is the crucial part.
Let’s say you have indeed done 10,000 repetitions which is quite impressive! This however doesn’t mean that you become the world’s expert; there is probably still a long way. Once you achieve a certain level of expertise in the sport or activity of interest, performance is about 10% physical and 90% mental. This means that at the expert level, the physical skills are a given. You would also need to keep practicing it and improving it with solid mental focus and resilience.
Being able to master or even regulate your mental state will determine your success. And what do we mean by mental state? Mental state may refer to attitude, concentration, recall, controlling nervousness or performance anxiety, clarity, processing of tasks, anticipation and reaction time. Every expert, athlete or not, has adopted a similar state. They have a firm belief in themselves, confidence, motivation, memory and ability to see the outcome ahead of time. They have a willingness to try, and if they fail, to keep trying until they succeed. It is the power of our minds that sets us apart.
The difference resides in the brain.